美国农业部, Interior and 国防 Departments Partner with 十大赌博正规老平台 to Benefit Agricultural Lands, 野生动物栖息地和军事准备

海军航空站帕塔克森特河-大西洋试验场选定为 指定哨点景观

安纳波利斯, 医学博士-今日, the 十大赌博正规老平台 applauds the designation of the Nanticoke River and its surrounding areas as a Sentinel Landscape by the Departments of Agriculture, 国防, 和内陆.  与各机构合作, the 十大赌博正规老平台 anticipates the designation to result in significant land conservation along the Nanticoke River, 帕塔克森特河海军航空站飞机的主要飞行路线.

The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership was launched by the Administration to preserve agricultural lands, 协助做好军事准备, 恢复和保护野生动物栖息地.  Sentinel Landscapes are primarily working or natural lands where preserving the working and rural character of key landscapes strengthens the economies of farms, 牧场, and forests; conserves habitat and natural resources; and protects vital test and training missions conducted by adjacent military installations.

“The Sentinel Landscapes program provides an important way to engage partners in proactive conservation while helping ensure the preservation of working landscapes and our military readiness,内政部长萨莉·朱厄尔说. “Military lands are often home to some of our nation’s best remaining habitat for wildlife, and provide an excellent opportunity to conserve species that are threatened or endangered. We congratulate Fort Huachuca and NAS Patuxent River and look forward to further collaborative efforts like these across the country.”

Over the past several years, the 十大赌博正规老平台 has partnered with NAS Patuxent River, 美国.S. 鱼类及野生动物管理局, 自然资源保护局, 自然保育基金, 大自然保护协会, 和私人基金会,如Mt. 与对保护土地感兴趣的土地所有者合作. 哨兵景观伙伴关系将加强这些努力.

“This partnership is a great example of coordination and collaboration across the federal government and with private partners, demonstrating that we can have an impact well beyond what a single partner or agency can accomplish on its own,农业部长汤姆·维尔萨克说. “By connecting local citizens and organizations with our shared resources that best address their priorities, 我们有能力保护耕地, 提高战备水平,促进农村经济发展.”

“这一声明最让我兴奋的是,约翰·康格说, 履行能源部助理国防部长的职责, 安装及环境, 这一伙伴关系将如何保护帕克斯河和瓦丘卡堡的测试任务. 哨兵景观将成为保护活动的磁石, but the real motivation at DoD is creating the buffer we need to protect these critical missions.”

The Sentinel Landscapes designation further enhances the 十大赌博正规老平台’s goal of creating a conserved and connected corridor of lands along the Nanticoke that support the region’s incredible biodiversity, 工作地文化, 以及约翰·史密斯船长切萨皮克国家历史步道的完整性, 这是美国第一条具有历史意义的水上小径.

“The Nanticoke is a key component of the Captain John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道, 也是约翰·史密斯船长至今仍能辨认的少数几个地区之一.  We’re very proud that the Nanticoke was selected as one of the very first Sentinel Landscapes in the country. 的保护 applauds the Administration for their leadership in developing collaborative programs to address the needs of large landscape conservation,——乔尔·邓恩, 十大赌博正规老平台协会的执行董事, 说. “保卫国家和保护环境是齐头并进的.”

作为新名称的一部分, the Sentinel Landscapes Partnership agencies will support the NAS Patuxent River Sentinel Landscape with ongoing technical assistance and funding for agricultural easements, buffer lands through DoD’s Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program, 湿地的改善及恢复, 以及对入侵物种的处理.

“This is a win-win for both the Atlantic Test Ranges at NAS Patuxent River and the surrounding environment,船长说。. 海蒂·弗莱明是帕塔克森特河海军航空站的指挥官. “Designating the Nanticoke Corridor as a Sentinel Landscape maintains our unique flight test and evaluation capabilities at the Atlantic Test Ranges while protecting important habitats for imperiled wildlife species and preserving agricultural land in the area.”

“我们在联邦和州机构之间建立的伙伴关系, 非营利组织和当地公民, 在保护这一令人难以置信的景观方面取得了巨大的进步. The recent designation will greatly enhance these efforts by helping us connect previously protected areas and conserve this mosaic of farms and forests,——乔安娜·奥格本, 十大赌博正规老平台协会的项目主管, 说.

The Nanticoke has long been regarded as one of the most pristine and ecologically significant watersheds in the mid-Atlantic region. 生态系统从高地森林到罕见的大西洋白雪松湿地, 这里的景观为各种植物和动物提供了栖息地. The area is home to 180 state or globally rare plant species and more than 70 animal species considered rare or uncommon. 它有自己的南蒂科克重要鸟类区,由奥杜邦指定, and is a large component of the internationally important Chesapeake Bay Estuarine Ramsar Site, 为大量迁徙水禽和新热带候鸟提供服务. 该地区的重要性进一步证明了美国的地理位置.S. 鱼类和野生动物管理局的黑水国家野生动物保护区, 该公司最近扩大了业务范围,成立了南焦公司.

The Nanticoke also forms one of the primary b牧场 of the Captain John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道, 这是美国第一条具有历史意义的水上小径, 对三个美洲印第安部落来说仍然具有重要的文化意义.

This Sentinel Landscape designation compliments other recent developments involving the 十大赌博正规老平台

In 2008, on the heels of the establishment of the Captain John Smith 切萨皮克国家历史步道, 美国.S. 内政部, 特拉华州和马里兰州, and the 十大赌博正规老平台 signed an agreement to work together to protect the Nanticoke River.  The USFWS, and several other conservation organizations subsequently joined this effort.以及南焦走廊的保育工作;